Welcome to my Website

Hello and welcome to my website. First of all I don't claim to be the world's greatest photographer and it's not even my main job - but I am a very enthusiastic and reasonably knowledgeable with a vast experience gained over 60 years of my photography life (read my "About Me" page for more information). Furthermore I don't claim to be the inventor of the techniques and processes that feature in my website, I look on it as a compendium and quick reference to help me take and process my photographs in a better way. The driving force behind this website is the fact that I don't perform some of the processes, especially in post production, very regularly so I tend to forget the exact sequence - then I had to scrabble around and hunt through notes or search the internet to remind me how to do something. Hence I decided that it would be a good idea to produce a reference where I could access all my gleaned knowledge quickly and easily. I could have produced a file with paper notes but I would probably have misplaced this or lent it to someone and never got it back. So…

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